Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer birthdays!

 My mom came to visit and celebrate hers and Kyle's birthdays together.  We've done that a couple of times and it's really fun.  She turned 84 this year on July 10th.  We ate at a local Italian restaurant and did some shopping while she was here.  Her favorite place to shop is Cracker Barrel.
 Kyle had his birthday party at Gal-a-bowl this year.  He and his friends went bowling then came back to our house for cake & ice cream.
Kyle turned 11 on July 11th

 Lance's birthday was on a Sunday this year.  He turned 14 on Aug. 11th.  We had cherry cheesecake to celebrate! Lance's dad ordained him on his birthday to the office of a Teacher.
Those who were in the circle for his ordination.

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