Thursday, August 15, 2013

Remembrances of Savannah

We have some wonderful people who have helped us preserve some of Savannah's things in a way that we can enjoy them in our home.  My sister has a friend who puts jewelry or trinkets on mirrors.  I had seen this idea many years ago when I went with my husband to visit his Aunt Eva (whom my husband shares a birthday)for the first time.  She had a beautiful oval mirror hanging on her wall, covered with vintage jewelry.  I fell in love with that idea and thought about that same idea in using Savannah's jewelry after she passed away.  I am delighted to show pictures here of the finished product. 
We haven't decided where to hang it yet so it's just propped up on our bed for this pic

This is Liz, the gal who handcrafted the mirror for me using Savannah's jewelry

This quilt was made by my friend Barb.  Her daughter and Savannah were best friends.  We had given Susan some of Savannah's clothes and when she outgrew them Barb thought it would be fun to turn them into a quilt.  The clothes shown in this quilt are dresses that she wore and one jacket.  The border is done with a black/red music note fabric.  This was the perfect choice as Savannah was/is very musical.  Everything is coordinated so nicely. This is a touching, beautiful way to remember and think of our daughter.  We are very touched by Barb's thoughtfulness and talent in putting this together for us.

 My talented sister-in-law, Paula, had the original idea to make a quilt with Savannah's clothes since I had a hard time getting rid of them.  She did a wonderful job using her favorite t-shirts, school and girls camp shirts in this quilt.  Savannah loved tie-dye so Paula used that style for the back plus butterflies which she also loved.  It was truly a labor of love that we get to enjoy each day.  The picture doesn't do it justice because you can't see all the quilting details. It's amazing and we love it.

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