Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Camping at Mormon Lake Aug 2013

Camping trip to Mormon Lake with John & Annabel and Sterling & Paula, Kevra & Jordon

Katie on hike

Lance ready to hike

Kyle on hike

Heather with Katie & Kyle on a beautiful hike

The boys getting back from the hike

Sterling, Kevra & John on the trail

Moving day!

 Bryan, Leah & Spencer leave Gallup on  Aug. 19, 2013 for Rexburg, Idaho to attend BYU-I.  They have been in Gallup for a year and a half.  We have enjoyed having them close and especially getting to spend time with our grandson.  It was nice to have them eat with us every Sunday and be here for games, graduations, recitals, etc.  Leah also kept us all looking good with haircuts.  We will miss them!
Spencer heads to the truck

Off they go

Big News!

 Spencer is wearing a onesie with an important announcement but he didn't want to sit on the chair and take pictures of it.  The shirt says "I'm going to be a brother".  He will have a new sibling sometime around February 5, 2014.  We are so excited for him and his parents!  They just started to tell people but I actually figured it out a couple of months ago....I guess it's that motherly intuition for my daughter. 
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Annual Family Pictures

This is our attempt at copying the Sound of Music clock song.
We try to take family pictures once a year.  Last year we took them in Aug. and decided that was a good time before people in our family go off the college.  These pictures were taken at T&R market where the hay is sold.  Aug. 9, 2013

The boys

The girls

My personal favorite: Lance, Spencer & Kyle

Bryan, Leah & Spencer

One of the walls looked like a good place for a "mug shot".  We didn't know what John was up to though.

Our kids

Goofing off

John's always serious.....NOT

With our grandson, Spencer

While the couples are smooching, others are busy on their phones

We are a happy family.....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Remembrances of Savannah

We have some wonderful people who have helped us preserve some of Savannah's things in a way that we can enjoy them in our home.  My sister has a friend who puts jewelry or trinkets on mirrors.  I had seen this idea many years ago when I went with my husband to visit his Aunt Eva (whom my husband shares a birthday)for the first time.  She had a beautiful oval mirror hanging on her wall, covered with vintage jewelry.  I fell in love with that idea and thought about that same idea in using Savannah's jewelry after she passed away.  I am delighted to show pictures here of the finished product. 
We haven't decided where to hang it yet so it's just propped up on our bed for this pic

This is Liz, the gal who handcrafted the mirror for me using Savannah's jewelry

This quilt was made by my friend Barb.  Her daughter and Savannah were best friends.  We had given Susan some of Savannah's clothes and when she outgrew them Barb thought it would be fun to turn them into a quilt.  The clothes shown in this quilt are dresses that she wore and one jacket.  The border is done with a black/red music note fabric.  This was the perfect choice as Savannah was/is very musical.  Everything is coordinated so nicely. This is a touching, beautiful way to remember and think of our daughter.  We are very touched by Barb's thoughtfulness and talent in putting this together for us.

 My talented sister-in-law, Paula, had the original idea to make a quilt with Savannah's clothes since I had a hard time getting rid of them.  She did a wonderful job using her favorite t-shirts, school and girls camp shirts in this quilt.  Savannah loved tie-dye so Paula used that style for the back plus butterflies which she also loved.  It was truly a labor of love that we get to enjoy each day.  The picture doesn't do it justice because you can't see all the quilting details. It's amazing and we love it.

1st day of school-Aug. 14, 2013

 First day of school.  Both boys are attending Rehoboth Christian School this year.  Lance is a freshman at the High School and Kyle is a 6th grader at the middle school.

Lance gets on the bus

Waiting for the bus
Kyle gets on the bus

The bus driver

Every year I make these waffle cookies as an after-school snack on the 1st day of school.  I've been doing this for at least ten years.  Here's the recipe: 2 T. cocoa, 1 cube margarine (melted), 2 eggs, 3/4 C. sugar, 1 C. flour, 1 t. vanilla.  Mix and cook in waffle iron.  Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting.
Relaxing after school

Katie is enjoying the waffle cookies too!

The 2nd day of school, the bus stop moved to right in front of our house!  Yahoo!  The kids will all meet there and get dropped off there too.  What luck!

Summer birthdays!

 My mom came to visit and celebrate hers and Kyle's birthdays together.  We've done that a couple of times and it's really fun.  She turned 84 this year on July 10th.  We ate at a local Italian restaurant and did some shopping while she was here.  Her favorite place to shop is Cracker Barrel.
 Kyle had his birthday party at Gal-a-bowl this year.  He and his friends went bowling then came back to our house for cake & ice cream.
Kyle turned 11 on July 11th

 Lance's birthday was on a Sunday this year.  He turned 14 on Aug. 11th.  We had cherry cheesecake to celebrate! Lance's dad ordained him on his birthday to the office of a Teacher.
Those who were in the circle for his ordination.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The year 1929

I learned something new yesterday when I was watching Music & The Spoken Word.  They were celebrating 84 years of the broadcast saying that they started the radio program the summer of 1929.  My mom (seen here on the right) was born that same summer of 1929.  Music & The Spoken Word is the longest running broadcast of its kind.  My mom is still "running" too! She and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir are starting their 85th year.

Other happenings in the year 1929: the wall street crash ushering in the Great Depression; the 1st Academy Awards for film was held in LA; books published that year included two WWI novels "All quiet on the western front" and "A Farewell to Arms"; In NY the Museum of Modern Art opened; the price of gas was .21/gal;