Monday, May 30, 2016

Kyle's 8th grade graduation May 26, 2016

 Kyle was Co-Valedictorian for his 8th grade graduation from Rehoboth Christian School.
The job that John & I volunteered for was getting the cakes from T&R with pictures of the 8th graders.

Each student chose an escort to walk them down the isle at graduation.  Kyle chose his dad.

These 4 students all played a prelude song on the piano just before graduation started.  Kyle is sitting on the 2nd chair.
The 8th grade class singing at the end of the graduation ceremony
Kyle's cheering section:  Raven, Lance, Barb, Mom & Dad

Kyle with his mom & dad after graduation.

Kyle walks across the stage and receives his 8th grade certificate.

Kyle & Lance pose with a beloved coach and teacher, Mr. Donkersloot
Co-Valedictorians, Kyle & Grace
Kyle with his favorite teacher, Mr. Arendsen
Mom & Dad give Kyle his own guitar.  He'd been borrowing one for lessons.

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