Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Trip to Savannah, Georgia

September 24-27, 2015. John & I took a trip to Savannah to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary.  We named our 3rd daughter after the town but had never been there to visit.  My mom and sister Annabel & her husband John were with us.  What a fun trip.  Here's some highlights:
Heather, Joye & Annabel getting ready to see the sites

John & Heather - this is at the Marriott Hotel 

John & Annabel

I loved seeing the name "Savannah" on everything.  This was our shuttle bus

One of the sites on our tour around town

Juliette Low's house.  It was also on the haunted tour.

We didn't buy anything here just loved the name of the place

Paula Deen's restaurant - we ate there for lunch.  Yummy!

Vuew of Paula Deen's restaurant

John in one of the many parks in town.  All the trees had moss hanging from them.  It was cool looking.

We went on a haunted tour in the evening.  Very interesting.  They say that Savannah is the most haunted city in America.

This is the famous fountain in Forsythe Park.  

We toured this lighthouse and grounds on Tybee Island.  John, John, and Heather climbed the 178 steps to the top.  Great vew!

St. Peter's Cathedral
Inside the cathedral


Bought this for our granddaughter, Savannah Joye

Atlanta, Georgia Temple.  Mom & Dad served a mission here over 20 years ago.

John, Mom, Heather & John at the Atlanta, Georgia Temple just before we flew home.

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