Monday, June 8, 2015

Los Lunas basketball tournament

We took 6 of the Rehoboth High School basketball players to a tournament in Los Lunas, NM.  John coached and Heather made sure the team had food and water/gaterade.  We stayed in the RV and had a great time.  We played some tough teams so lost 5 of our 6 games.  The win was in overtime.  What a great experience.  We tried to get more players to come but they all had reasons not to come.  So proud of these guys and how well they did.
James, Lance, Paul, Ethan, Ben, Josh

Muscles!  This was after their last game.  John is in the back and also Lisa & Nadia

Lance shooting a free throw.  

These are the boys in the parking lot after our 3rd game Friday night.  They were so tired.  3 more the next day.

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