Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nick & Nykell's Wedding June 19, 2015

Gila Valley Temple

Heather & Katie attended the wedding and reception in Thatcher

Nykell & Nick and their parents

Grandma Smith with Nykell & Nick

Outdoor reception

Cousins:  Zachary, Katie & Bryan at the reception

Unique gift

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My sister-in-law Paula, is a wonderful seamstress and craft gal.  She made me these Blue Bird hot pads.  In Gallup, we LOVE blue bird flour and don't buy anything else.  I've seen aprons, bags and other items made from the empty flour sacks so I was thrilled to receive these!  Aren't they adorable?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Multi Stake Trek June 10-13, 2015

Lance attended a multi-stake trek for 4 days near Cortez, Colorado.  It was raining when they arrived and was muddy the whole time.  They ended up staying at a member's ranch in large barn/warehouse type buildings on his property.  It was a good experience for the youth.  There were about 500 youth and 200 leaders involved in the Trek.
Gathering stuff to put in the bucket and take on the trek

Yep, he's got this!

5:00am and headed to the bus for the Trek

Wagon Train of handcarts

Mud, mud, everywhere!

Lance with his ma and sister

Lance with his "family"

The boys walking up the hill to watch the girls pull the handcarts.  Simulating the Mormon Battalion

boys watch the "girls pull"

So much rain & mud.  Lance is in the red poncho on the left back row

One of the barns where they hung out.

The day we picked him up.  Nick, Josh, & Lance

Picking them up at the bus in the Walmart parking lot

Caught Lance napping later that day after he showered and ate

Monday, June 8, 2015

Los Lunas basketball tournament

We took 6 of the Rehoboth High School basketball players to a tournament in Los Lunas, NM.  John coached and Heather made sure the team had food and water/gaterade.  We stayed in the RV and had a great time.  We played some tough teams so lost 5 of our 6 games.  The win was in overtime.  What a great experience.  We tried to get more players to come but they all had reasons not to come.  So proud of these guys and how well they did.
James, Lance, Paul, Ethan, Ben, Josh

Muscles!  This was after their last game.  John is in the back and also Lisa & Nadia

Lance shooting a free throw.  

These are the boys in the parking lot after our 3rd game Friday night.  They were so tired.  3 more the next day.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

First thing in the morning we all went out and pulled weeds together.  

This is our stack of weeds and we still didn't get them all!

Heather & Katie at Savnnah's grave

John & Katie