Sunday, April 5, 2015

Basketball awards night March 9, 2015

We attended a sports banquet for all the basketball players.  Coach Scott first gave awards to the JV team then Coach Kevin gave awards and talked about each member of the Varsity squad.  This took 48 minutes!  Notice Lance and his teammates standing up and remained there the whole time!  The coach really enjoyed his team this year and it showed.  This was a great group of boys and they played well together.  Lance was fortunate to start for the Varsity team this year as a Sophomore.
JV team.  Scott is behind the players-he lived in our RV during basketball season

Varsity team 2014-15

John helped coach some this year and presented Anna (Kevin's wife) with flowers, a candle and card signed by the Varsity team

The coaches check out the loot in their March Madness basket-parents donated money and I purchased things to put in the baskets.  Chad is on the left, Kevin then Scott

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