Thursday, January 22, 2015

Christmas 2014

 We exchanged gifts with Bryan & Leah and kids while we were in Rexburg for Katie's graduation.

Bryan opening a new game

Lance is thrilled with his mary kay face brush from Leah

Leah gets a new hat from Lance and a left-handed mug from Kyle

Mom gave Leah her jewelry box.  Dad is putting it back together for her since he took the legs off for traveling.

Katie & Heather
Savannah plays with her new baby doll 

The boys playing with Spencer's new stuff

Christmas morning in Gallup

Katie enjoying Olaf & Sven (stuffed animals from her brothers)

Mom opening a new jewelry box

An electronic keyboard for the family!

Lance playing on the new keyboard

John gets new suits for his new job starting in Feb.

Kyle gets laser guns and Lance a new computer chair (which he put together)

Mom made donuts on Christmas Day

We got a white Christmas this year!

Christmas night we gave out another present-Katie got a toaster oven

Lance & Kyle got headphones

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