Friday, September 19, 2014

Lance's broken wrist!

I got a call from the school on Thurs. Sept. 4th saying there had been an accident on the field while the students in the sophomore class were playing ultimate frisbee.  Lance dove for a frisbee, caught it with his left hand but fell on his right wrist and broke it.  We had many miracles and prayers during this experience.  We went to the Gallup RMCH ER where they set his arm as much as possible with 2 breaks.  We left the next morning for Albuquerque to see an orthopedic dr. and were able to get into surgery.  Lance ended up fasting for almost 24 hours because of the timing of the surgery and then not wanting to eat after-except for a milkshake!
Mr. Frederiksen met me at the ER with Lance.  We are checking in as Lance holds his wrist

In the ER

His arm is pretty swollen in this picture

The next day we drove to Albuquerque to see an Orthopedic doctor

His wrist is broke in 2 places.  They were able to get him right into surgery.  

Lance was charming all the nurses and doctors just before surgery.  

Removing the stitches two weeks after Lance's surgery

Lance has 2 pins in his wrist

Lance gets a cast!  He picked his favorite color, green and is happy to be somewhat mobile.

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