Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Graduations! May 2013

Kyle's 5th grade promotion.  He was one of the top 5 math students among other things. The Principal and his teacher and behind him.

With friends.  Kyle had the most Accelerated Reader points for the whole school for the 2nd year in a row.

Lance plays prelude songs before Graduation starts

Glenn & Lance play a couple of duets

Spencer attends both of his Uncle's graduations

Lance chose his dad as his escort for graduation.  Very nice tribute.

Siblings together

The guys!

Lance & Susan

Cute centerpieces at the reception after.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Piano recital 2013

 Spring Piano Recital - May 21, 2013

Lance & Kyle did a great job on their solo's!

I was so proud of all of my students.  It's a pleasure to be their teacher and watch them grow and progress.  I sure miss my daughter who passed away.  She loved playing the piano.  I'm happy that all of my children can play to some degree.  What a beautiful thing music is.

Lance played "Heart of Courage"  an awesome song for him!  Kyle loves the Lord of the Rings so played "In Dreams" and did a wonderful job.
This year I had 27 students.  They aren't all in these pictures...some had to come late.

I had 4 seniors this year.  I played duets with 3 of them during the recital.

I got some new "trio" books so Lance & Kyle and I tried one at the recital.  So fun!

Spencer watching the recital.  He's so handsome.

Duet with Micaela

Duet with Susan

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lance receives a calling

 Lance was called as the ward priesthood pianist.  He was set apart by his cousin Clayton who's in the Bishopric.  Lance has already played for the past month and is doing a great job.  This is a good excuse for him to practice the hymns.  He is talented musically and this is a good way for him to develop and share his talent.

Lance plays tennis for Rehoboth High School

 Lance played tennis as an 8th grader for Rehoboth Christian High School.  He played doubles with Glenn and they were great partners.  They really worked well together and did a good job for their first year playing.
 This was Lance & Glenn playing at district tennis in Albuquerque on May 4th.
They lost but did great for an 8th grader and freshman playing against older boys and more experienced players.  They had fun too!