Tuesday, February 12, 2013

8th grade basketball

 Lance played mid school basketball for Rehoboth Christian School this year.  He was team captain and was awarded an all-tournament MVP for the final tournament.  Here he is receiving his medal from Wingate's coach and a friend of ours, Renaldi.

At an invitational tournament in Wingate Lance and teammate James receive t-shirts for being all-tourny players for their team.  Feb. 2013

 As a team captain, Lance meets with the refs, coaches and team captains of the opposing team just before the game starts.  He is lucky #13 this year.
The team at their last game.  A couple of the boys couldn't make it-there is actually 11 players.  John is the assistant coach.  They only lost 4 games for their regular season.

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Calling

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This is  picture of John & I at church in LA over Christmas break. 

I was released in January as 1st counselor in the ward Young Women's presidency and called to be a primary worker where I teach the CTR 6-7 year olds.  Getting a new calling is always bitter sweet.  I really enjoyed working with the Young Women for two years and will miss them but excited to teach primary.  I also loved the sisters in the YW presidency and learned so much from them.  I enjoyed the experience very much.  Some of the activities were difficult for me such as YW in Excellence and New Beginnings because my daughter, Savannah should've been there with me.  Often I was the only parent there without a daughter.  I suppose it's part of the trial of losing a child.  On the other hand, it was wonderful to have Lance attending mutual while I was there.  I look forward to seeing Kyle in primary for his last year and a half.

Laker's game!

We went to a Laker's game against Portland on December 28, 2012.  Our hotel was really close to the subway so that's how we got to the Staple Center.  It was a packed crowd at the game.  The Laker's won 104 to 87.

We ate dinner while we watched the game.  We were sitting behind one of the baskets up near the top.  Good view though!

After the game we just sat and soaked it all in....and took some pictures.  They were retiring "Wilkes" jersey #52, so they gave everyone one to wear. 
John & Heather after the game