Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anniversary trip to San Francisco

Heather on the Golden Gate Bridge

Alcatraz Island

Riding the boat under the Golden Gate Bridge.  It was a beautiful day

John wanted to touch the ocean but ended up getting his pants wet. 

 We took a boat out to Alcatraz Island and did an evening tour.  It was so interesting and we really enjoyed it. 

John & I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on Sept. 11, 2012 and wanted to take a trip just the two of us.  We had heard that San Francisco was a beautiful place to go.  The weather was really perfect-clear and warm.  We loved taking the public transportation to get around and did alot of walking.  Our hotel was downtown so we were able to see all the sights.  We attended church on Sunday in the downtown area and enjoyed going into Oakland to attend the Temple.

Oakland Temple

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