Monday, August 20, 2012

Family Vacation

We went to Mt. Rushmore in  South Dakota for a family vacation.  We stayed at the KOA with our friends, the Christensen's.  We were in awe of the carvings! July 2012

We attended church in Rapid City.  One of the highlights was a special number during sacrament meeting where they invited all priesthood members in the congregation to come up and sing a hymn together.  Very cool!

Kyle, Justyn and Lance wait for everyone to go to church

We went to Bear Country.  Here we are looking at some baby animals

Kyle and Zach jumping on the KOA pillow

Bike riding at the KOA

Alpine slide/Katie and Kelsey

Kyle and Lance at the Alpine slide

The boys bought some awesome rubberband guns!

Mt. Rushmore at Night

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