Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Lance & Raven Sept. 2016

Lance & Raven took advantage of the beautiful fall outdoors and had some pictures taken.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Time in Ireland June 2016

We went to dinner with 2 other families in our tour group.  These are the guys

The girls

Important place.  Check out the way they write it in Gaelic.

I took this picture from the bus.  We saw lots of things like this along the way

All the sisters jump on their brothers backs!  Katie's a little big for Kyle

one of the beautiful doors of Ireland.  It's raining....again.

The library!

Lots of time on the tour bus seeing the beautiful contryside.

We loved all the colorful doors in Ireland.

The group in our tour that we spent 2 weeks with.  This picture is in Dublin, Ireland.

Brendon & Lauren spent alot of time with Kyle on our tour.  They left early from Dublin.


Katie standing near a typical stone fence that they have all over Ireland

The cliffs of Mohre in Ireland

Kyle, Katie, John & Tiffany looking at the Cliffs

This castle ruin in at the Cliffs

Giant's Causeway in Ireland

Of course it was raining just as we arrived.  Kyle's the one with the blue rain slicker.

These interlocking basalt columns are a result of an ancient volcano.  Heather checks them out.

They say that there's 40,000 of these columns.  John's walking on some.

Kyle's near the coast with friends from the tour.  We had so much fun walking around this place.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Belfast, Ireland

We took a ferry into Belfast Ireland

The name of the shipping company who built Titanic

Cool sign spelling "Titanic" in front of the museum

The Titanic museum is built the size that Titanic was for it height

Kyle & John

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Scottish Entertainment

John & Heather were asked to help with the entertainment while in Scotland.

We got to wear kilts

We had a script to read for our songs

They named us Hamish & Heather and were really surprised to find out that Heather is my real name.