Monday, July 20, 2015

Room switching

Lance decided he'd like to switch his bedroom to the library.  He picked paint and thought through all the furniture, etc.  Here is the result so far.  He will add shelves and personal items but it's going to be a work in progress.
Katie put his new desk together.

Walls are gray with one teal accent wall.

He'll keep the keyboard in his room.

The desk looks great and so do Katie & Lance

The new "library"

Kyle's 13th birthday

Kyle opens a couple of gifts on the morning of his birthday

We went to Albuquerque and Kyle's requested birthday lunch was at Tucano's

Katie, Lance & Kyle outside Tucano's

John, Heather & Lance enjoying Tucano's
Tucano's employees sing happy birthday to Kyle

Kyle's cake at Tucano's

Science Center

We watched a couple of films at the science center & planetarium for Kyle's birthday

Kyle got this Dr. Who apron for his birthday then took a cooking class from his cousin Eva.

Kyle wanted to build a computer as a birthday present so is seen here with his dad putting it together.

The finished product!  Great job!

San Diego trip 2015

Katie, Lance & Heather went to San Diego so Lance could attend a 3 day shooting camp.


We watched the play "kiss me kate" at the Old Globe Theater

It's always a good time for dessert!  This was at Denny's around 10:30pm

watching shows at Sea World

Sea World!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Boys hike Havasupai

John took Lance & Kyle along with some other scouts in our ward to Havasupai.  They were actually part of a tour group that our ward young men's president's dad had going.  The food was air lifted in and tubes, etc. so we only had to pack in snacks and sleeping bags, etc.  They had a great time.  John broke his toe when he dropped his cot on it but thanks to Duck tape the trip was a success!  I learned that Duct tape is the new wonder drug.