Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Visit to Idaho

Savannah Joye tries icecream for the first time.....she loves it!  Duh!

Leah feeds Savannah icecream and Spencer watches

Katie, Leah & Mom host a bridal shower in Rexburg for Roxy.

Katie asks Roxy questions that Maro has already answered.

If she gets the answer wrong she has to put in a piece of gum

Opening presents

Spencer falls asleep in Grandma's car watching a movie

Savannah Joye enjoys the ride

Kyle turns 12

Eva helped blow out the candles since her birthday was the next day.
Kyle turned 12 during scout camp so we had a family dinner with birthday cake on Sunday when he got home.

Dad & Kyle on his first Sunday to pass the sacrament.

Kyle & Mom - First Sunday to pass in church and also be Bishop's messenger.  He's wearing a violin tie.

Kyle is ordained a Deacon by his dad on July 13th.  These men were in the circle and also our Bishop who stepped out before the picture was taken.

Scout Camp 2014

 Boys scout camp this year was for our ward only and John as the scout master took them to Durango, Colorado for a week a fun and working on merit badges.  They hiked at Mesa Verde, did white water rafting, rock climbing, repelling & traversing.  They camped at the Durango KOA and did all their own cooking and cleaning.  They had a great time and made fun memories!

Mesa Verde National monument

Ready for the rafting trip

Kyle at the front

Lance's raft

Lance & Kiona

Kyle traversing

Extreme Frisbee at a local park

John chasing the frisbee

Kyle and the scouts in the river

Kyle helps bring the camping gear

Lance throws the frisbee

the boys made this make shift camp for the last night-Kyle near it

John stayed in our RV

Lance gets in the river

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Lance has summer camps

Jordon & Lance attend EFY in Flagstaff together in June.  They have a great time!

We got the good sports trophy!

We hosted a basketball tourney at Rehoboth for the 2nd year

Lance goes to Albuquerque (UNM) to attend Point Guard College

Leaving PGC - great week of improving basketball skills

Closing ceremonies of PCG - see Lance near the front in the middle of the pic?