Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day weekend 2014

Leah & her kids and Katie came to Gallup to spend Memorial Day weekend together.
Grandpa holds Savannah Joye

Lance plays ping pong with Spencer

Kyle & Spencer after church

Leah soothes Savannah after church

Aunt Katie holds Savannah

naptime for Spencer

Frisbee at the church

Uncle Lance holds Savannah while snap chatting

Grandma holds Savannah

Kyle & Katie make dessert for dinner on Sunday.  1/2 cookie 1/2 brownie

Kyle's concerts April 29th, 2014

 End of year choir concert for Rehoboth 6th grade

6th grade band.  Kyle is on back row-he plays trombone.

Dandro & Kyle after the concerts

High School Tennis awards - May 2014

The Newman's had the tennis players over to their house during lunch at school to give out awards.
The cupcakes look like a tennis ball

Mr. Newman gives Lance his pin

A basket of goodies for the Newman's baby.

School's Out party - May 16, 2014

 Lance invited friends over to our house for a cookout and to play games.   They especially liked playing sardines, kick the can and hide and seek outside.  Inside we played "What if?"

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Piano and Violin Recital May 20, 2014

My niece Eva & I have had about 3 recitals together now.  She teaches Violin and I teach Piano.  This year I had 28 students play and she had 2 violin students.  Kyle was one of them.  I gave them all medals afterward.  Everyone did a great job and there weren't any major booboos so that was exciting.
Kyle plays a violin solo "cripple creek"

Kyle plays "He's a Pirate"

He's happy to be done

Lance announces his song "Nero"

Eva gives awards to her violin students

Mom and Susan play a duet

Siena's still slightly taller than Lance

Lance & mom

Kyle & mom