Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring 2014 sports

 Lance plays Tennis again this year.  He and Glenn are doubles partners and play in the #1 spot.  Lance also plays singles as #3.  They are having a great year playing for Rehoboth Christian High School.

 Glenn & Lance also give each other "5" after each play.  They work really well together and are very supportive of one another.  Really fun to watch!
Kyle is running track for Rehoboth Mid School.  He is getting ready for the 100 meter here.

Long jump

Getting ready for the 4x4 relay.  It's the last race of the meet.

Stake Choir - April 20, 2014

Stake Conference this year was on Easter Sunday.  Sister Lucio was the choir director and is from Hawaii so she had real lei's for us to wear.  It was so beautiful.  The Stake Presidency and others on the program also wore lei's.  This picture was taken after the meeting ended.  We sang "He Is Risen" and "This Is the Christ".  John, Heather & Lance participated from our family.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring break 2014

Teammates: Zack, Kade, Justyn, Taylor & Heather
 We played basketball one morning while in Rexburg on spring break.
Teammates: Kyle, Grayson, John, Kelsey, Lance

Lance & Savannah

Kyle & Spencer

IJump in Idaho Falls

Kyle & Lance after playing laser tag

Heather & her mom read their books while the others jump

Great grandma holds Savannah

Baby Savannah Joye

Monday, April 7, 2014

Savannah Joye's blessing day - March 30, 2014

 Savannah Joye was blessed by her father in Rexburg, Idaho.  Her Nana made the dress.  The booties and headband were made by Nana's friend and the bracelet made by her Aunt Kayla. She was a trooper and didn't cry through the blessing nor all the pictures afterwards.
Great grandma Smith holds Savannah Joye

Father & Daughter
The happy family

Mother & daughter

Four generations: Great grandma Smith, Grandma McMullin, Leah & Savannah

Proud grandparents

Ann & Grandma

Christensen's were there with us.