Sunday, February 23, 2014

Valentine's Dinner 2/14/14

 We had a candlelight dinner for Valentine's.  Chicken fetticini with garlic bread and salad.  We had bottles of sparkling cider left over from New Year's that we broke out also.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Last basketball game of the season and Parent Night

Huddle during a time out with the coach - Lance is #5

This is how Lance gets ready to shoot his free throws

C game against Crownpoint - we won

Free throw during the JV game

Final score in our final game against Crownpoint-we won

Getting ready to go on the court with parents

Parents night after the game - a hug and flower for mom

Walking out on the court with the other parents&players

John helped coach this year and took these pics in the locker room after the game

Locker room fun!

Varsity coach stops in for a few words

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Youth Allstate 2014

Lance made youth allstate for the 2nd year in a row

Lance is on the far right.  It's held in Las Cruces, NM

Lance looks pretty sharp in his bowtie-his sister, Katie, gave it to him for Christmas

Lance and James after the performance - Jan. 2014

Baby Savannah Joye

 This was the day that Leah & Savannah Joye came home from the hospital.  Spencer is very excited to see them!  Bryan carries the baby in.  It was cold and snowy in Rexburg.
Leah shows Spencer his new sister

Aunt Katie gets a turn holding Savannah
Heather's car surrounded by snow

Savannah Joye born on Feb. 1, 2014

Spencer holds Savannah for the first time

Mom & daughter

Full body picture.  She weighed 5 lbs. 12 oz and was 19 inches long when born

Happy grandma to hold brand new Savannah

She's pretty tiny but oh so cuddly