Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Lance & Spencer throwing the frisbee


Bryan & Spencer

Spencer playing

Kitchen help-Ed, Meridon & Melvin

The Jones Family

Playing frisbees during family picture time

Figueroa Family

Melvin, Lana, Ed, Meridon & John

McMullin Family


Randy & Lana

Blaine Family

1st basketball games

 Kyle plays on a 6th grade team for Rehoboth mid school.  They actually scrimmaged the other 6th grade team for their first game because the opposing team didn't have a 6th grade team.
Kyle is 2nd from the left sitting on the bench

Kyle on the court-he did a great job.

 Lance's first high school game for Rehoboth.  They played in Wingate.  He started for the JV team.  They lost but had a great game-especially the 2nd half.  They came back from a 20 point deficit.
Lance is in back looking up when I took this picture

Lance is #5

Lance next to Coach Zwier's

Denver Cantabile Tour Nov.23-25, 2013

 We headed out on an early saturday morning.  Lance is on the left in this picutre.
Leaving the school

This is what I saw the whole trip as I followed the bus

Hanging out and having dinner at Carol's house in Colorado Springs

 The boys in Carol's hot tub.  They got out and rolled in the snow then hopped back in the warm water.  This is their James Bond pose
Lance in the front

The girls hang out while the boys are in the hot tub.

 I tipped the girls off by telling them about the boys rolling in the snow then jumping back in the hot tub.  They wanted to see for themselves so peeked out the window to get a good look at the boys.
This was a Presbyterian church we sang at in Colorado Springs.  The kids were supposed to dress in "traditional" clothes

Raven sings a solo-she sounds like an angel!

Mr. Ippel, Mrs. DeYoung & her sister Carol

Waiting for our next performance at a Christian Reform church

The Haley's!  We have 4 in the group

Driving through Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

I was lucky enough to chaperone this choir trip.  After the last performance I brought Lance and another basketball player home early so they could be in Gallup in time for the first basketball game of the season.

Matthew is actually "Superman"

This is how we welcomed the kids to our performance

This is how we said goodbye to the kids

Our bus driver

The whole gang at one of the Christian schools we sang at