Monday, October 28, 2013

Piano group lesson

 I had  piano group lessons where I gave everyone a top hat.  I read a story about how a top hat is like a half & whole rest.  I let everyone take their hats home and hopefully they will remember what we learned.

First Snow of 2013

First snow of the season - Oct. 3rd or 10th, I can't remember which

It didn't stick but was sure fun to watch come down

Monday, October 14, 2013

Brendon & Emily's wedding

Emily & Brendon walking out of the Mesa Temple after their wedding

The bride & groom with their parents.

Sterling & Paula with the happy couple!

Brendon's family


Wedding cake.  It was inside so it looks yellow from the camera but it was actually white.

Trevor, Sterling & Paula at the reception

A string quartet played at the reception.

They served Gelato at the reception.  Yum!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kyle's gets his "Arrow of Light"

 Kyle earned his "Arrow of Light" patch so we went to the cubscout pack meeting to receive it.  Then Kyle crossed over to 11 year old scouts.
October 2, 2013
Great job Kyle!
Doing the cubscout motto

With dad and the cub master, Brother Kinyon

Pinning moms pin on her jacket

Crossing over 

11 year old scout leader, Wes Jones

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is so fun to decorate for!  It's probably my favorite.  Here is the goodies I put around the house during the Fall and month of October.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A good friend passes away

A good friend of our family's passed away unexpectedly in September.  Laurel was a wonderful lady and had kids that I went to high school with.  I remember one year at Halloween, Laurel, my mom and another friend, Sylvia dressed up as witches and cackled through the school.  They probably scared most of the kids half to death but of course I knew it was them the whole time.  Laurel plucked my eyebrows and was an expert at beauty and poise.  She was especially good to my mom, taking her places such as games and Tucson for medicine at the Air Force Base.  She will be missed but we are happy with the knowledge that we will see her again in the next life.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Kyle was so excited about winning a goldfish at the Fall Fest that he used his own money to purchase a fish tank and some accessories.  Then he bought 2 more goldfish at T&R for 25 cents each.

Fall Fest at Rehoboth School

 The annual Fall Fest at Rehoboth Christian School was in September.  These are the cupcakes I made for the bake sale and the cake for the cake walk.  The money goes to the band and choir programs.
Kyle in line for the rock wall

Bean bag toss

ping pong toss to win a goldfish

Kyle won a goldfish!

Lance is working at the slide

Heather (me) working at the bean bag toss for 2 hours